Market outlook
U.S. inflation outlook—10 things to monitor
As concerns about U.S. inflation grow, investors are scrutinizing economic data for clues on what could happen next. We highlight 10 factors to watch.
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With higher taxes looming, how should investors position?
We look back at several instances of capital-gains tax increases to see how the market performed before and after the increases. We also review several different scenarios for tax increases and suggest where investors may best focus their portfolios now.
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Navigating the coming data distortion
Analyzing economic data in coming months isn't likely to be straight forward. Here's a rough guide.
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Three-minute macro: timing is everything
In the coming months, we expect the market to emphasize the timing of economic inflection points. We also detail our cautiously optimistic view on REITs and highlight that differing COVID-19 vaccination rates are making country picking in emerging markets even more crucial in this month's edition of "Three-minute macro."
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Fed policy: What comes next?
A review of Federal Reserve policy objectives and some of the key financial data the Fed examines in making policy, and a view on where we stand now.
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Three-minute macro: what’s driving earnings?
The drivers of equity market performance so far this year look very different than last. We’re also mindful of a potential cooling in the housing market, while we expect major financial institutions to keep track of inequality issues going forward.
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Three-minute macro: real rates, real concerns
Real rates are on the rise, which may create problems for equity investors, while COVID-19 may exacerbate inequality issues.
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What oil's rebound means for your portfolio
Rising oil prices have historically shown varying correlations to different asset classes. We explore which asset classes may help protect your portfolio from the challenges higher oil prices may cause.
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Macro investment themes: China's recovery, a Fed that's on hold, and vaccine rollouts
The U.S. economy looks set to outperform its developed-market peers in the months ahead—one of several macro themes that investors might want to monitor.
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What the short squeeze frenzy means for portfolios
The recent short squeezes have received a great deal of attention, but should you be doing anything about them? We explain why we believe the answer is no and why taking a steady view of market fundamentals makes sense now more than ever.
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