Market outlook
Next Fed Chair Powell: status quo candidate for a status quo economy
President Trump nominated Jerome H. Powell as the next chair of the Fed. Find out what investors can expect once he succeeds current Fed Chair Janet L. Yellen on February 3, 2018.
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North Korea heightened tensions, heightened market risks
How will the standoff with North Korea end? Nobody knows, but our scenario analysis points to five possible outcomes. See what each one may mean for investors—and the world more broadly.
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Can central banks reverse course concurrently?
As easy monetary policy peaks, central banks seem poised to pass the baton over to governments. See why, rather than completing the handoff, they could end up dropping the baton altogether.
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Bitcoin—and other cryptocurrencies—may shake up boring markets
What will it take to send an abnormally low VIX higher? Bitcoin price collapse? Brinkmanship with North Korea? See why risks of a market correction continue to climb—and how investors can prepare.
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Low economic growth—here to stay
There’s a schism about where global economic growth is going, with some analysts arguing a structural break from secular stagnation is under way. See why we disagree—and what it means for investors.
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Mile 18 of a marathon market cycle: expect low returns to the finish
Near mile 18 of a 26-mile U.S. market cycle, with some sore spots emerging, see what global asset classes offer the most—and least—attractive return prospects.
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U.K. election ends in dismay: what happens now
Following the U.K.’s general election, a hung parliament renders the country’s politics—and economy and markets—into a veritable choose-your-own-adventure book. See the implications for investors now.
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U.S. payrolls: one for the doves, but we still expect a June rate hike
See why the May nonfarm U.S. payrolls report was one for the doves, though it was not sufficiently weak to cause the Fed to take its foot off the gas pedal.
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Victory for Macron, but challenges ahead
Even if the Front National does not win a significant number of seats in the upcoming National Assembly elections, Le Pen will likely manage to shape and direct political discourse from the sidelines.
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Secular stagnation-not dead yet
Investors have become more bullish about economic growth, inflation, and interest-rate projections. See why we think the anticipated magnitude and timing of this upturn is too optimistic.
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