Investing basics
What is inflation and why does it matter to investors
Inflation is the rise in prices of products and services that people use every day. When the cost of basic items goes up, individuals simply can’t buy as much as they could before. Here’s what you need to know about this closely watched economic indicator.
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4 things to know about municipal bonds and muni bond funds
Federal tax changes have sparked new interest in municipal bonds and muni bond mutual funds. We explore the key things to know about munis and their potential tax advantages.
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What is liquidity and why is it important?
What is liquidity, why is it important and how can you tell a liquid asset from an illiquid one? We share the basics here.
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Plain English, please: stock market jargon explained for average investors
It can be hard for an average investor—and even many professionals—to make sense of the jargon you encounter about investing. Here's a look at key stock market terms, from bull and bear markets to P/E and P/B ratios.
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Understanding strategic beta
While the category may feel relatively new, the concepts driving this most contemporary of investment approaches have roots that are decades old.
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4 things fixed-income investors need to know about bond credit ratings
Prices and yields of all fixed-income investments are influenced by the borrower’s creditworthiness. But how is it measured? We examine credit ratings—how debt is rated and what it means for bond mutual fund investors.
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5 ways to improve your retirement income
It’s never too early—or too late—to start saving for retirement. However far along you may be, here are 5 steps to help ensure you’re on track to meet your savings goals.
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What's a target-date and how does it work?
Target-date funds offer a diversified portfolio that considers an investor’s age and retirement date, adjusting its asset allocation as the date approaches. Here’s how they work.
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9 best investing books for 2019
We surveyed our global network of asset managers and compiled a list of 9 of the best investing books for 2019. Find out which timeless titles made the list.
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Top searched finance terms of 2018
Year-end lists can contain insight for investors when thinking about the year ahead. We present the top searched-for finance-related terms in 2018.
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