Portfolio Intelligence podcast: midcycle investing for the second half of 2021
Co-Chief Investment Strategists Matthew D. Miskin, CFA, and Emily R. Roland, CIMA, provide their take on the economy and markets so far in 2021, and their outlook on what the rest of the year may hold for investors.

The strategists discuss the prospects of tapering from the U.S. Federal Reserve and what it might mean for fixed-income investors. They also offer their best ideas for bond and equity investors as the economy shifts into a midcycle environment.
“We're watching this shift from the early part of the cycle into the middle part of the cycle. And we're thinking about positioning for that in terms of potentially peak growth, peak inflation, and peak stimulus.” —Emily R. Roland, CIMA, Co-Chief Investment Strategist, John Hancock Investment Management
About the Portfolio Intelligence podcast
The Portfolio Intelligence podcast features interviews with asset allocation experts, portfolio construction specialists, and investment veterans from across John Hancock’s multimanager network. Hosted by John Bryson, head of investment consulting at John Hancock Investment Management, the dynamic discussion explores ideas advisors can use today to build their business while helping their clients pursue better investment outcomes.
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This podcast is being brought to you by John Hancock Investment Management Distributors, LLC, member FINRA,SIPC. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker, are subject to change as market and other conditions warrant and do not constitute investment advice or a recommendation regarding any specific product or security. There is no guarantee that any investment strategy discussed will be successful or achieve any particular level of results. Any economic or market performance information is historical and is not indicative of future results, and no forecasts are guaranteed. Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal.