Momentum investing fad or bona fide factor
Momentum strategies have gained favor with some investors in recent years, but the question remains whether stock price changes alone represent a meaningful factor that’s a sound basis for investment.
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A multifactor ETF investing approach for mid cap stocks
A multifactor investing approach in an ETF structure may make sense for mid-cap stocks due to their unique characteristics, opportunities, and challenges.
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Low-volatility value investing | John Hancock Investment Mgmt
Low-volatility ETFs are not the same thing as value investing.
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ETF creation redemption | John Hancock Investment Mgmt
The creation and redemption process used by exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is the behind-the-scenes feature that drives many of their advantages. These include low fees, liquidity, and ETF tax efficiency.
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Using the profitability factor in multifactor investing
Adding profitability to other factors such as size and value in multifactor ETFs may improve risk-adjusted returns and overall portfolio diversification.
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When value stocks lag multifactor diversification can help
Value stocks have underperformed. A multifactor approach may make it easier for investors to stick with their long-term plan.
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Why blending active and passive strategies is right for investors
Active/passive isn't an either/or. Learn how investors can benefit by combining both approaches in the same portfolio.
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Incorporating ETFs into your portfolio
How do advisors use ETFs? We take a look at the most common strategies and offer some asset allocation insight.
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Sector investing with ETFs
You can use sector ETFs to pursue a variety of objectives. We outline three common goals for investors to consider.
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ETF structure trumps ETF cost—what advisors need to know
The key to ETF due diligence is to shift the focus from cost to structure. We outline a series of questions to ask about what's under the hood of any ETF.
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