Marathon Asset-Based Lending Fund Repurchase Offer
Use these forms to request a repurchase of client shares. Note: The Letter of transmittal document contains the repurchase form which must be completed and returned in full to participate in the repurchase.

John Hancock Marathon Asset-Based Lending Fund offer to repurchase shares
The purpose of the Share repurchase is to provide liquidity to shareholders of the Fund. Shares may be presented to the Fund for repurchase only by tendering them during one of the Fund’s announced tender offers.
Approved for use with investors

John Hancock Marathon Asset-Based Lending Fund transmittal
This document is the letter of transmittal for Fund shareholders to present Shares for repurchase during the designated repurchase period.
Approved for use with investors

John Hancock Marathon-Asset-Based Lending Fund offer
John Hancock Marathon Asset-Based Lending Fund is offering to repurchase Shares from Fund shareholders. The Fund is a continuously offered, closed-end, non-diversified, management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust that conducts tender offers to permit Shareholders to sell their Shares back to the Fund at the discretion of the Fund’s Board of Trustees.
Approved for use with investors