March 18, 2024
Asset allocation model portfolios at John Hancock Investment Management
Asset allocation model portfolios are a great way to get diversified exposure to financial markets in a single step. Explore this site to learn more about the benefits of model portfolios and our range of options.
Building block model portfolios introduce greater flexibility
Unlike asset allocation model portfolios that provide broad exposure across multiple asset classes, building block model portfolios focus on one specific asset class, such as fixed income, U.S. equity, or international equity. We consider some of the benefits of using building block model portfolios.
Outcome oriented
Targeting specific investment outcomes using a range of asset classes, management strategies, and investment styles
John Hancock Multi-Asset Income Model Portfolios
Options in the search for yield
- Consistent income over time
- Diversified income sources
- Principal and inflation protection
- Growth over time
Target risk
Portfolios targeting the highest potential returns within defined risk parameters
John Hancock Target Risk Model Portfolios
Options for investors seeking a relatively stable balance of risk/return potential over time
Building blocks
Portfolios offering diversified single asset class exposures
John Hancock Building Block Model Portfolios
Options for investors seeking a comprehensive investment option for single asset class equity or fixed income exposure
Investor risk/return objectives
Our multi-asset investment process is centered on investors’ risk parameters and return objectives. The key objective is to maximize returns for any given level of risk, which relies on robust asset class analysis and skilled portfolio construction.
Asset class returns
Macro inputs are combined with fixed-income, equity, and alternative asset class forecasts that consider growth expectations, valuation changes, currency returns, and income return among other analyses.
Asset class and strategy selection
Asset class and strategy selection is aligned to investors’ risk/return objectives. Asset class analysis is model driven, using both quantitative and fundamental inputs.
Portfolio construction
Optimal portfolio construction is based on rigorous ongoing ex-ante analysis and ex-post analysis and return forecasts. Risk management is embedded in every step of the process with ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
Asset class return expectations
Every quarter, the Multi-Asset Solutions Team compiles an analysis of anticipated performance for different asset classes over a 5-year and long term (20-year plus) time horizon. These views guide the team's asset allocation decisions across a range of portfolios and investment strategies.
Multi-Asset Solutions Team:
57 investment professionals
34 CFA charterholders
2 Ph.D.s
Manager research team:
28 investment professionals
31 professional designations
17 advanced degrees
Source: Multi-Asset Solutions team, Manager research team, as of 9/30/24.
All logos are the property of their respective owners.
A history of multi-asset investment and innovation
Representative example is for illustrative purposes only.
To enrich client relationships
Models can enable financial professionals to spend more time with their current clients on holistic wealth and financial planning and less time on investment research, portfolio construction, rebalancing, trading, and fund rationalization.
To develop new business
Leveraging models may also lead to more efficient integration of new client relationships, as clients with similar risk profiles elect the same models, enabling financial professionals to spend more time converting prospects into clients.
To sharpen fiduciary oversight
Models enjoy the benefits of asset allocation and manager selection from an experienced third party with a robust process and a documented rationale for key investment decisions. They also enable financial professionals to leverage manager investment commentary and other materials.
Not all model portfolios are created equal
Scale, experience, and fee structures can vary widely across the industry.
Important disclosures
Diversification does not guarantee a profit or eliminate the risk of a loss.
Latest views and market outlook
How financial professionals may benefit from leveraging the power of model portfolios
In this episode, Katie Baker, senior national account manager and model delivery lead at John Hancock Investment Management, and Bruce Picard, CFA, portfolio manager and head of model portfolios at Manulife Investment Management, discuss potential opportunities in model portfolios.
February 23, 2024
Asset allocation outlook: proceed with caution
January 31, 2024
Model portfolios: a changing landscape that benefits advisors
John Hancock Multimanager Model Portfolios advisor brochure
This guide offers reasons for financial professionals to consider model portfolios, key factors to consider when evaluating providers, and our investment approach.
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Financial professionals: Learn more about reasons to consider model portfolios, key factors to consider when evaluating providers, and our approach.
Investors: Ask your financial professional how model portfolios can help you achieve your long-term investing goals.
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