November 2, 2020
Multifactor ETFs
Our ETFs managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors (Dimensional) stand at the cutting edge of factor-based investing. We believe investors can benefit from Dimensional's unique blend of factors working together to drive performance.
A pioneer in multifactor investing
Dimensional applies ideas that have been rooted in academia for decades and, today, it’s one of the most well-respected managers in the asset management industry.
Isolating the factors that drive higher expected returns
A landmark 1992 study by the University of Chicago Professor Eugene Fama and Dartmouth College Professor Kenneth French argued that, based on history, focusing on smaller stocks and those with lower relative prices1 may improve a portfolio’s expected return.2
Subsequent research conducted by University of Rochester Robert Novy-Marx identified profitability3 as another factor that enhances expected returns.4 Today, Dimensional offers investment solutions built on the idea that combining specific factors, borne out by years of rigorous research, can produce better outcomes for investors over the long term.
Defining strategic beta
Factor-based investing is a form of strategic beta (also known as smart beta) investing. This approach combines features of passive and active investing, resulting in a rules-based approach that tilts toward factors that research has shown drive performance over time.
Important disclosures
1 Relative price as measured by the price-to-book ratio; value stocks are those with lower price-to-book ratios. 2 "The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns," Journal of Finance, June 1992. 3 Profitability is a measure of current profitability, based on information from individual companies' income statements. 4 Robert Novy-Marx provides consulting services to Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. 5 A premium represents the excess return that securities with particular characteristics have historically generated. The chart above shows historical geometric mean performance for different groupings of stocks within the broad equity universe. This universe, or market, includes stocks listed on the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ exchanges. The research does not portray results of indexes. T-bill data is from Morningstar, Ibbotson. In order to assess returns of stocks with different characteristics, researchers Eugene Fama and Kenneth French grouped stocks according to size, relative price, and profitability. For groupings based on company size, stocks were ranked by market capitalization, where small cap represents stocks of companies in the bottom 30% of the universe and large cap represents stocks of companies in the top 30% of the universe. For groupings based on relative price, stocks were ranked by book-to-market equity ratios, where value represents stocks of companies in the top 30% of the universe and growth represents stocks of companies in the bottom 30% of the universe. For groupings based on profitability, stocks were ranked by operating profitability (annual revenues minus the cost of goods sold, interest expense, and selling, general, and administrative expenses, divided by book equity), where high profitability represents stocks of companies in the top 30% of the universe and low profitability represents stocks of companies in the bottom 30% of the universe. Drs. Fama and French are members of the Board of Directors of the general partner and provide consulting services to Dimensional Fund Advisors LP. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or eliminate the risk of a loss. Selection of other periods may produce different results, including losses. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Alpha measures the difference between an actively managed fund’s return and that of its benchmark index. An alpha of 3, for example, indicates the fund’s performance was 3% better than that of its benchmark (or expected return) over a specified period of time.
Important disclosures
This chart is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the performance of any John Hancock fund. Morningstar, as of 6/30/24. Callan chart is from 2021 to 2024. Size is represented by the Russell 1000 Size Factor Index, which tracks the performance of stocks displaying smaller-size characteristics. Value is represented by the Russell 1000 Value Factor Index, which tracks the performance of stocks displaying lower valuation characteristics. Volatility is represented by the Russell 1000 Volatility Factor Index, which tracks the performance of stocks displaying lower volatility characteristics. Quality is represented by the Russell 1000 Quality Factor Index, which tracks the performance of stocks displaying higher-quality characteristics. Momentum is represented by the Russell 1000 Momentum Factor Index, which tracks the performance of stocks displaying momentum characteristics. Annual returns are based on calendar years. Indexes are unmanaged and do not take transaction costs or fees into consideration. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Performance figures assume reinvestment of dividends and capital gains. Certain returns shown may reflect hypothetical historical performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Related viewpoints
July 22, 2020
Multifactor ETFs: focus on portfolio construction, not factor timing
May 12, 2020
Discipline in volatile markets is key for multifactor ETF investors
October 15, 2019
Getting started in multifactor ETF due diligence
Index and portfolio structure
For John Hancock Multifactor ETFs, Dimensional first created proprietary indexes that define the securities eligible for inclusion in the ETF portfolios.
Dimensional’s approach to index construction
For each index, the universe of stocks is ranked from biggest to smallest. Certain illiquid securities or securities with multiple share classes may be excluded from consideration; after this initial screen, the indexes each define their target segment of the universe, resulting in a broad range of stocks per index—for example, 750 for the large-cap index, though the index and the large-cap ETF itself (JHML) may hold up to 800 stocks to minimize trading costs.6
John Hancock Multifactor ETF portfolio structure
Once a target portfolio is identified, weightings are assigned to each security to be included. While the large-cap index, for example, will hold roughly 750 stocks, the weights of those securities may vary from market-cap-weighted indexes. This is driven by Dimensional’s academic research-based approach, which suggests that smaller capitalization, lower relative price, and higher profitability are linked to higher expected returns, so the securities in the index are weighted to place greater emphasis on stocks that exhibit those characteristics.
Index Memory® helps minimize unnecessary trading costs
Each index is reconstituted, or rebalanced, twice a year. The indexes use a feature called Index Memory to help mitigate trading costs. If a security was included in an index before reconstitution, and if keeping it in the index doesn’t meaningfully change the overall characteristics of the index, that security will continue to be held and any change in weighting is minimized. The goal is to avoid making trades that don’t meaningfully improve the expected return/risk profile of the overall portfolio.7
Important disclosures
6 The John Hancock Dimensional Large Cap Index is a rules-based index of large-cap U.S. stocks that have been selected based on sources of expected returns. Securities eligible for inclusion in the index are classified according to their market capitalization, as defined by free-float market cap; relative price, as defined by price/book; and profitability, as defined by operating income over book, and are weighted accordingly in favor of smaller, less expensive, more profitable companies. The index is reconstituted and rebalanced on a semiannual basis. Index performance assumes reinvestment of dividends and, unless otherwise indicated, does not reflect the management fees, operating expenses, transaction costs, and other expenses that apply to an ETF. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Past performance does not guarantee future results. 7 Index Memory is a registered trademark of Dimensional Fund Advisors. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP receives compensation from John Hancock in connection with licensing rights to the John Hancock Dimensional indexes. Neither John Hancock Investment Management LLC nor Dimensional Fund Advisors LP guarantees the accuracy and/or completeness of an index (each an underlying index) or any data included therein, and neither John Hancock Investment Management LLC nor Dimensional Fund Advisors LP shall have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions therein. Neither John Hancock Investment Management LLC nor Dimensional Fund Advisors LP makes any warranty, express or implied, as to results to be obtained by a fund, owners of the shares of a fund, or any other person or entity from the use of an underlying index, trading based on an underlying index, or any data included therein, either in connection with a fund or for any other use. Neither John Hancock Investment Management LLC nor Dimensional Fund Advisors LP makes any express or implied warranties, and expressly disclaims all warranties, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use with respect to an underlying index or any data included therein. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall either John Hancock Investment Management LLC or Dimensional Fund Advisors LP have any liability for any special, punitive, direct, indirect, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising out of matters relating to the use of an underlying index, even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
Fund | Managed by | Morningstar category | Use for |
Core Bond ETF
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Intermediate Core Bond | Use for High-quality income opportunities |
Core Plus Bond ETF
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Intermediate Core-Plus Bond | Use for Diversifying income holdings |
Corporate Bond ETF
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Corporate Bond | Use for High-quality income opportunities |
Managed by Boston Partners | Morningstar category Foreign Large Value | Use for Core international holding | |
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Muni National Intermediate | Use for Tax planning strategies | |
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Large Blend | Use for Core equity holding | |
High Yield ETF
Managed by Marathon Asset Management | Morningstar category High Yield Bond | Use for High current income |
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Foreign Large Value | Use for Diversifying sources of income | |
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Intermediate Core-Plus Bond | Use for High-quality income opportunities | |
Managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors | Morningstar category Foreign Large Blend | Use for Core international holding | |
Managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors | Morningstar category Diversified Emerging Markets | Use for Core international holding | |
Managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors | Morningstar category Large Blend | Use for Core equity holding | |
Managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors | Morningstar category Mid-Cap Blend | Use for Core equity holding | |
Managed by Dimensional Fund Advisors | Morningstar category Small Blend | Use for Core equity holding | |
Preferred Income ETF
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Preferred Stock | Use for Diversifying sources of income |
Managed by Manulife Investment Management | Morningstar category Large Value | Use for Diversifying sources of income |
Important disclosures
All funds may experience periods of negative performance.
Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. There is no guarantee that a fund’s investment strategy will be successful. Large company stocks could fall out of favor. The stock prices of midsize and small companies can change more frequently and dramatically than those of large companies, and value stocks may decline in price. A portfolio concentrated in one industry or sector or that holds a limited number of securities may fluctuate more than a diversified portfolio. Shares may trade at a premium or discount to their NAV in the secondary market, and a fund’s holdings and returns may deviate from those of its index. These variations may be greater when markets are volatile or subject to unusual conditions. Errors in the construction or calculation of a fund’s index may occur from time to time. Please see the funds’ prospectuses for additional risks. This material is not intended to be, nor shall it be interpreted or construed as, a recommendation or providing advice, impartial or otherwise. John Hancock Investment Management and its representatives and affiliates may receive compensation derived from the sale of and/or from any investment made in its products and services. John Hancock ETF shares are bought and sold at market price (not NAV), and are not individually redeemed from the fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce return.
Learn more
Investors: Ask your financial professional how adding ETFs can help you better position your portfolio for the long term.
Financial professionals: Learn more about how strategic beta ETFs combine some of the most attractive features of active and passive strategies.
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